Beat Depression

Beat Depression: Self-Hypnosis for Vitiligo Sufferers™

(audio track)

Many vitiligo sufferers battle with depression and self-image issues, and unfortunately, struggle with these even after their vitiligo is gone. You may have depression if you are suffering from any of the following symptoms:

bluetickYou tend to actively avoid social situations

bluetickYou link your self-worth to your body image

bluetickYou feel constantly sad and unmotivated

bluetick You feel hopeless

bluetickYou tend to be pessimistic about life

bluetickYou are prone to feeling guilty about things

bluetick You do not have an interest in finding pleasure and engaging in hobbies

bluetick You are constantly fatigued and feel tired all the time

bluetickYou have problems concentrating

bluetickYou feel irritable

Interestingly, even after vitiligo is gone, ex-sufferers often still battle with depression, and it takes a while to re-gain your self-worth especially if it has been eroded by long years of vitiligo. Although prescription medications can help in depression, from my personal clinical experience, hypnotherapy is just as powerful and totally free of side effects.

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